JAEGER ART is pleased to present the exhibition “We are all romantic here”, in their premises in Brunnenstraße in Berlin-Mitte, featuring newly created artworks of different series, by Berlin based artist Wolfgang Flad.
Abstract aluminum reliefs that alternate between the highly polished surface and the coarse porous texture of the different depressions are shown next to colored mirrored wall works from the series 'Dark Side of the Moon' as well a large-scale abstract art work, ‘Dust Painting’, whose irregular, sandy surface is colorfully refined and transformed.

A constantly recurring element in Flad's artistic process is the elaborate use of various types of reliefs.
By sculpting and manipulating the surfaces of his artworks, he creates intriguing textures and dimensions that invite viewers to consider each work from different angles.
Behind colorful, iridescent, reflecting glass panes, the reliefs of Wolfgang Flad's latest series ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ are at first hardly recognizable.
But looking at the work from different angles to explore what is hidden behind the glass, a strange and precious-looking surface reveals itself, inspired by the crater-pocked surface of the moon.

Different variations of glass play a central role in the exhibition, conveying different moods and evoking emotional responses. Through skillful manipulation, Flad transforms this delicate medium into fascinating art works that play with light, shadow, and illusion.
In addition solid aluminum casts pick up on the bold play of contrasting surfaces and contrasts that is very specific to Wolfgang Flad's work: matte and shiny, natural and processed, strange and somehow familiar, near and far at the same time.  There is a mysterious magic inherent in these reliefs.